The AZ Delta Voice Clinic specializes in the research and treatment of patients with voice problems. Our team consists of Ear-Nose-Throat specialists and speech therapists.
Singers, actors, television and radio presenters, teachers and other people who use their voice in function of their profession, but also people who have voice problems due to medical causes or complications of treatments can contact us. In addition, patients with certain specific swallowing problems are evaluated and can contact us.
We strive to offer the highest quality medical, surgical and behavioral care and recommendations for patients with voice problems. This in collaboration with a network of specialized speech therapists, voice therapists, singing pedagogues and teachers.

The ENT service AZ Delta Roeselare is an association of ENT doctors working in four AZ Delta campuses: two in Roeselare (Brugsesteenweg and Rumbeke), one in the Menen campus and one in the campus Rembert Torhout. All NKO doctors are sub-specialized in several sub-disciplines.
More info:www.nko-hhr.be

AZ Delta is a highly specialized hospital with 1403 approved beds. There are two campuses in Roeselare, one in Menen and one in Torhout. AZ Delta offers all treatments including highly specialized care. More than 4,000 people are employed, of whom about 385 are doctors.
More info:www.azdelta.beor download the information leaflet